Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Scout and Frodo

Hey folks.  Landed in San Diego and am already surrounded by a crowd of happy hikers.  I met up with a few hikers who happened to be on the same train.  We hit the curb and were swiftly swooped up by the van (where I promptly dropped my cell phone - to be retrieved tomorrow)  taking us to Scout and Frodo's home base - a hiker haven ready to fulfill all of our needs.  We were well fed, given internet access, provided maps and water information... these people are ON IT!  Plenty of conversation and shared excitement have definitely helped me move through some of my jitters.  I'm still antsy as all hell to hit the trail and the caravan of 12 cars to carry the 50 some odd people who are here to the trailhead takes off at 6 tomorrow morning.  HURRAH!  I'm psyched about the first steps and hoping to pound out 20 miles tomorrow for a crash landing at the kickoff party.  I'll try to whip out the camera tomorrow but for now I'm way too overstimulated to stop and think about it.  I haven't been this nervous and excited since my first day at high school.  I'm sure this experience will be WAY more rewarding.  I'll be lucky if I can get myself to sleep tonight but I'm sure as hell tomorrow night will be met with many zzzz's.  Goodnight everyone!   

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On my way!

My bags are packed.  I'm ready to go.  I'm standing here...
What do you mean there's no jetplane? Well shit.  I guess I'll just hoof it.

I'm hopping on a train tomorrow morning to head down to San Diego where some nice folks - Scout and Frodo (no this is not an unfortunate coupling of people with equally unfortunate names... those are their trail names) are putting me up and driving me to the trail.  Through some organizing emails I already found some fellow hikers who are gonna be on the same train.  Holy shit we're everywhere!  And we're swarming on SoCal.  Then it's off to the ADZPCTKO2011 kickoff party for the weekend before really digging into the first section.  Here are some spots I'll be along the way that you can send mail to if you'd like.  Check out this post for the how-to on sending me stuff.

Idyllwild, CA 92549 ETA: 5/10

Big Bear City, CA 92314 ETA: 5/16

Wrightwood, CA 92397 ETA: 5/21 which is a Saturday and the post office will be closed til monday (ie.  I want your mail but won't want to wait around 2 days for it).  Call me/email before you send a package here to see if my itinerary's changed at all.

Well.  That's all for now.  I'm off to get some adventure, meet some good folks, stretch my legs, and see the sights.  It's a mixture of disbelief, anticipation, sadness, and excitement that'll all come crashing into the first hurrah in these next few days.  Always feel free to email me or leave a voicemail.  I'll check both whenever I can.  Lots of love!

Maildrops: a how-to

Sweet!  So I'm about to head off.  Here is the official info on how to mail me stuff along the trail. First the logistical nitty gritty:

Most of the places I'll grab boxes from are post offices (as opposed to businesses or UPS centers).  If you're shipping me something in a box via a post office ALWAYS send it Priority Mail.  It'll only take 5 days tops to get there and it won't get lost.  If you're sending me a letter you can send it by regular first class.  As I go I'll list towns that I'll be stopping into and when I'll be there.  My plans are always a rough estimate so best to have it arrive a few days before my actual ETA.  The post office will hold packages for about 2 weeks from the listed ETA. Here's how to address it:

My Name (unless you've made other hiking friends who are more important to you)
General Delivery
Town, State Zip Code

THEN on the bottom left corner of the box write "Hold for PCT hiker ETA: date"

Things to consider:
-if you send me a package to a USPS general delivery address via UPS I won't get it!
-if you send me a package and require a signature I won't get it!
-if you send me a package via first class or parcel post most likely,  I won't get it!

Sometimes I'll pick stuff up at businesses that only accept UPS.  I'll note these spots as I go. Here's how to address those:

My Name
c/o name of business
complete address
town, state zip

"Hold for PCT hiker ETA: date"

As much as I love a good surprise, if I don't know your box is coming then I'm not going to look for it (and may not even stop at that post office).  Please email me or leave a voice mail at least a week before I get there letting me know what to look for and where.

Imagine a sea of boxes.  Now imagine finding the little one that Mom said would be there filled with your favorite cookies.  Now imagine not being able to look for that box but having to direct an overworked and underpayed government employee.  SHIT!  Please, LABEL YOUR BOXES WELL.  Write my name all over it or cover it in glitter glue or reuse that cheesy gift box that you got last x-mas.  Whatever it is, just make it obvious and tell me about all the flare so I can help out the nice folks behind the counter.

Phew!  Never thought is was going to be that tricky eh?  Here's a little bit on what (not) to send me:

OK.  So I'm gonna be in the woods (or desert or mountains) with everything I own on my back.  Thus whatever you send me I either need to consume immediately, bring along for the ride, mail home, or trash.  Here are some examples:

My sis sent me homemade fruit and nut bars... NICE! Eatin' some now and saving the rest for later!
My old college buddy sent me 2 liters of whiskey... taking a celebratory slug, passing it around, and then dramatically sobbing while I drain the rest into the gutter.
My family friend sent me a full sized photo album of that time I visited last spring... cursing while I wait in line and spend the 10 bucks to send it home
My brother sent me a couple small photos of my nieces and nephews... taking them along for the ride.

You get the idea.  Trail snacks are always welcome and letters always appreciated.

That's all.  Later today I'll write a send off post and list my first town or two.  Thanks in advanced for all the support, love, and presents that may come my way!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Eastern Sierra Adventure Time

Just got back from some weekend hoopla in the eastern Sierra with our lovely guide Greta, Leigh, and NEW FRIENDS Bridget and Bri.  We camped, we climbed, we gorged ourselves on the views of the mountains and desert and did a lot of fiddling with my new camera.  Check it out!

Leigh showing us what the high-step is all about
Night/Day 1 - we camped outside of Lone Pine, CA in the Alabama Hills and did a little climbing on the big boulders there.  I got to get on the sharp end and do a little leading for the first time in a while.  It was SCARY... when can we do it again?!
The Love, the Ride, and the Mountains.  Yes!

Thanks for the catch Greta!

Night 2 - we shuffled up to Bishop, CA and found a sweet spot to camp on Buttermilk rd.  The next day Bri and I did a little walkabout and got to see what the desert/rock/mountain landscape was all about.
 The view from my sleeping bag

 Snow tastes better in the desert

 Bishop climbing area from above

 Holy shit!  Rocks everywhere!

Bri taking it all in

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


OK!  Here's the skinny on what's been going on during my unemployed months outside Santa Barbara while I wait for my hike to begin.  It's gonna be a big one but I know that TOGETHER we can do this...

The first thing I did when I moved out to where Leigh was already living, in sunny Goleta, CA was build a bookshelf to accomodate the piles of books that had accumulated around the house.  The deal was that if the bookshelf could hold all of her books, then the desk was mine.  HA!  Mission accomplished (until Leigh bought more books).


I got a little bored after the bookshelf was done but luckily our friend Leva was looking to do a little home improvement herself and brought me onboard.  When all was said and done I painted a couple of rooms, built a brick "wall" and sanded and refinished some furniture.
Meanwhile, I've been getting ready for my big hike on the PCT which has involved a lot of gear shopping, trial hikes, physical conditioning, trail research, and SEWING!  Yes, I've been sucked into the light and fast movement enough to dust off Leigh's grandmother's old Singer and give gear production a shot.  The biggest endeavor has been a bug bivy I modeled off of MLD's Serenity Shelter.  This being my first attempt at flat-felled seams, zipper installment, and slippery plastic fabrics, the sewing on the bivy is nothing short of sloppy... but I think it'll hold.  Here are some shots of the bivy combined with the tarp my folks got me from Oware for my b-day (thanks Mom and Dad).
That's the lovely Lady Leigh trying out my new home.  I also put together a silnylon drysac with a roll-top closure that I'm pretty psyched about:
Leigh's been rocking out on our little patio space - putting in raised beds for veggies, planting flower boxes, and getting a herb gardens started.  My only additions have been the platform I pulled out of my old home (ie. car), a chair back to make it look like it belonged, and a new Meyer Lemon Tree I've been promising Leigh since New Years.

Part of my "rigorous training" has been to get as much time at the climbing gym as possible - the idea being that the more climbing muscles I can develop, the more I'll have when I get back after they've all atrophied during my hike.  I've mostly been climbing inside, but while Leigh's cousin Megan was here we all went out with a friend Heather to Gibraltar rock up in the hills.

Heather rocking out
Leigh climbing way higher than she's ever decided to before!

Megan starting her climb.

Every couple of weeks or so I've been trying to hit the trails to get a feel for my new set-up and in general the next 5 months of my life.  Here are some shots from a hike through Blue Canyon just north of Santa Barbara.

Other than the projects and adventures my days have been filled with playing with the cat, biking around town, and enjoying sunsets on the beach with Leigh.  Not bad for an otherwise purposeless existence.  It sure as hell ain't Indiana.  One night Leigh and I got super crazy and whipped out the fancy bubbly my folks regifted us to motivate one shnazy sunset picnic. 
This is with red-eye correction.  It's the evil inside him
Here's part of the view from our sunset spot